Sunday, June 11, 2006

Briefly in Berkley.

In my experience, novitiate life has only two speeds: very slow and very fast. We novices enjoy weeks or even months of relative stability, remaining in one place and living according to a stable routine of work, study and prayer. At other times, however, we find ourselves almost constantly on the move, making several long or short trips back to back with little time to rest or regroup in between. Right now, the novitiate is definitely on 'fast' speed: today the novices of Loyola House returned to Berkley from Bi-Province Days in Cincinnati - where we had a lot of fun - in order to start readying ourselves for further travel to Los Angeles, California and Lima, Peru. Tomorrow morning we leave for Los Angeles, where we'll spend a week at the first-ever national conference of Jesuits in initial formation, a group of over two hundred men that includes everyone from first-year novices to newly-ordained priests. On Father's Day, we head from Los Angeles to Lima, where we'll spend the next six weeks or so studying Spanish and getting to know some of our Jesuit brethren in the Province of Peru. I don't know how often I'll be able to post over the next several weeks, but I'll do my best to keep you informed of my activities. AMDG.


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