Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The new issue of Partners.

The Summer 2005 issue of the Chicago Province magazine is now available online (and in the mail, if you're a Jesuit or friend of the province). Included are a story on this year's Chi Prov ordinations (reported here in June) and some reflections on novitiate life by my classmate Tony Stephens. Some readers may grumble at the fact that the articles are available only in PDF format - in fact, I grumble about it myself. Though PDF can be less than totally user-friendly for Internet readers, the format also preserves the look of the magazine in a way that HTML would not (which is why Partners opts for PDF). If you, like me, enjoy with special savor the old-fashioned experience of handling an actual magazine and not simply reading one online, you can request a free subscription to Partners from the Chi Prov development office. AMDG.


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