Thursday, September 23, 2004

Traveling Bilberries.

The last few days at breakfast some of us have been puzzling over the identity of the "bilberry." We'd never heard of this mysterious fruit until we discovered in the kitchen a jar of Poorrock Abbey wild bilberry jam made by the monks of the Society of St. John at Holy Transfiguration Skete in Eagle Harbor, Michigan. The answer to the conundrum is that 'bilberry' is apparently a pseudonym for the fruit we commonly call the huckleberry; this page has the whole story, told in wonderfully British fashion. (We're told, for example, that "[o]n the Continent, [bilberries] are often employed for colouring wine" while in England "[b]efore the War . . . [t]hey were used mainly by pastrycooks and restaurant-keepers.") The mystery appears to be solved - at least for now. AMDG.


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